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Q and A

住所:ザ・ヴィレッジアルファ トマム


住所: 北海道勇払郡占冠村字トマム675番地2星野リゾートトマム内 ザ・ヴィレッジアルファ

Add: Village Alpha Tomamu Naka-Tomamu Shimukappu Yufutsu Hokkaido Japan 079-2204 Tel & WhatsApp:+819059875574 (Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Excludes holidays) Email:


  • How to get a hotel reservation discount? 如何得到酒店預訂折扣?
    If you are pleased to help us to share our line or introduce the link: to your friend in your social network, including Instagram, wechat, microblog, facebook etc, If you share the link in more than 2 social networks, I will offer you 5% off. After your sharing, just send the screenshot to me by WeChat or email (Title:Tomamu Coupon Discount) and I will offer the discount coupon code to you. Thank you for your help and your supporting. [Note] This special offer can be used after a formal payment for the our Apartment hotel reservation. This preferential can’t be used after completion of payment. Besides, other discount coupons can’t be used with this discount at the same time. [Instruction] There is a column to input discount password on the bottom right of the formal reservation page. After inputting, the discount will be automatically got when you check out with the credit card. 如果您願意幫助我們在您的社交網絡,和朋友圈分享(包括微信,微博,Facebook等等)和介紹我們的度假公寓的官網網頁連接 我們非常樂意為您提供5%的預約優惠,在您完成分享後,把頁面截圖用電子郵件標題註明:Tomamu Coupon Discount)發給我,我就會為您提供優惠密碼。非常感謝您的幫助和支持。 【注意須知】此折扣優惠活動,必須是要在正式付款酒店預約之後才可以使用,已經完成付款之後是不能使用此優惠。另外,不可以和其他折扣券同時使用。 【使用方法】在正式預約的網頁下右方,有一個輸入折扣優惠密碼的欄,輸入後在信用卡結賬時會自動獲得折扣優惠
  • How to check in and check out / 如何辦理入住
    Please check in at the reception of The Village Alpha Tomamu, you only need to do is tell your name and your Check-in/out data to the staff there. And then they will give you room key. Please return the key to reception. Please classify garbage and bring them to the garbage station when you leave. Thank you. 只需要報上你的預約時用的名字和入住和離開的時間,即可開始辦理入住手續。退房時請務必把鑰匙還給前台,請勿留在房間內。
  • Body soap, towels, shampoo / 關於浴室用品"
    Towels will be provided for the guests over 4YO.No toothbrush is provided in the hotel. Please prepare yourself. And the hair dryer(blow dryer) , shampoo and body will be provided but if they have ran out, please contact us. Also, you can also buy the shampoo, body soap, and brushes at the reception. 浴巾、毛巾將按照客人的數量提供(4歲以下的幼兒不提供)。房間內不提供牙刷,請自備。洗髮露和沐浴露也會提供,但如果遇到洗髮露和沐浴露用完的情況,請聯繫我們。
  • The timetable of the free shuttle bus / 度假村內的免費巴士交通
    The timetable of the free shuttle bus is as the same as the JR. When you get off the JR at tomamu station, you can see the free shuttle bus is waiting for you at the outside of the JR station. And please get off at the alpha village. 免費巴士的時間表和JR時間表一致,在Tomamu的JR站下車後,在車站外可以直接看到在等候的接駁巴士。接駁巴士請在alpha village下車。
  • About the activities, restaurants and the price / 度假村內的設施使用"
    If you want to book the activities or any restaurants in the Hoshino Resort Tomamu, you can book in the Hoshino Resort Tomamu’s home page. 如果需要預定度假村內的各種戶外活動或者個別人氣餐廳,建議在您星野度假村的官網上預定穩妥。
  • The convenient store, super market, fruits and vegetables in the Hoshino ResortTomamu / 便利店和超市"
    I’m sorry that there are no any convenient stores, super markets in the Hoshino Resort.If you want to buy some fruits, you can drive to Furano. There are a lot of fruit shops there and you can choose it. 十分抱歉的是度假村內沒有便利店和超市。如果您需要買到新鮮的水果,您可以自行駕車到富良野購買。富良野地區有大量的新鮮水果店。
  • How to send the snowboard, the ski to tomamu / 如果提前郵寄行李"
    Please send your belongings to the address below and write down your room number, your name, your arriving date and your leaving date to the express delivery. 北海道勇払郡佔冠村トマム675番地2 The Village Alpha 1,Hoshino Resort Tomamu. 星野リゾート トマム、ザ・ヴィレッジアルファ1 郵便番號079 2204 請將您的物品寄到上面的地址,並請寫上您的名字,房間號,入住和離開的時間。
  • Can I use the facilities in the resort /使用星野度假村內的設施
    All the facilities in the Hoshino Resorts TOMAMU are available pay to use.(but planned to open in September 2017 membership system CLUB-MATE is not included) . 您可以付費使用院內的所有設施(但2017年9月開業的地中海俱樂部只限於俱樂部會員使用)
  • How to get the key after 10pm / 晚上10點後如何拿鑰匙
    As the receptionists there will be out of serving after 10p, m so you can get your room key at the Tower Hotel. If you go there by JR, after getting off at the Tomamu station, you can see the free shuttle bus at the outside of the JR station Tomamu. Get on the bus and please get off at the Tower Hotel. Tell the receptionists there that you are the guest of the Alpha Village, and your room number so you can get your room key. After getting the room key, you can go to my house according the covered corridor. Or you can ask the stuffs there to show you the way. 由於前台的工作人員日本時間22:00以後將停止服務,因此請10點以後到達的客人在提前聯繫我們的前提下,我們會安排把房間鑰匙放在tower hotel前台,以便於您來領取房間鑰匙。如您是乘坐JR在22點之後到達的,請在JR站外面乘坐免費的接駁巴士到TOWER HOTEL下車,並告知工作人員您是alpha village的客人,並告知他們您的房號,以拿到鑰匙。拿到鑰匙後,請沿樓梯走廊到達alpha village。或請詢問當地的工作人員指示。
  • How to go to ski ground, Nininupuri Tower hotel Onsen Mina mina beach / 如何去滑雪場,NININUPURI,TOWER,溫泉,海灘"
    There is a free shuttle bus at the front gate, please wait for the bus there. The bus is about every 15 minutes. Please wait at the gate patiently. As for the timetable, you can check at the front gate. 樓下有免費的擺渡巴士乘坐到度假村內的各個設施,巴士的時間約15分鐘一班車,請在一樓大門處耐心等候。至於具體的巴士時刻表,請在一樓處查看。
  • How to go there from the airport? Sapporo / 從新千歲機場或札幌如何前往TOMAMU 札幌車站/Sapporo Station → TOMAMU車站/TOMAMU Station: 約95分/ around 95 mins 新千歲機場/New Chitose Airport→ TOMAMU車站/TOMAMU Station: 約68分/ around 68 mins 帶廣機場/Obihiro Airport→ TOMAMU車站/ TOMAMU Station: 約104分/around 104 mins 到達TOMAMU車站有免費接送巴士,約五~十分鐘車程,在Alpha Village前下車 The Village Alpha / After your arrival at the TOMAMU station ,in every 10 minutes there will be free shuttle buses to pick you up. Get off at The Village Alpha. By Rent-a-car your can input MAPCODE: 608 511 304*40 如果你是租車前往,你可以詢問車行怎樣去輸入MAPCODE: 608 511 304*40方便你尋找到目的地。
  • If your room electric power down / 如果萬一遇到公寓斷電
    If there is no electric power in the room, please check the electric box which is in the closet beside the door. Please turn all the buttons on and I think that will be ok 如果斷電了,請查看進門旁的衣櫃裡,衣櫃裡有電閘,請把所有的電閘重新打開即可。
  • Our Policy / 我們經營特點
    Our Apartment units in Hoshino Resort are managed by the Hosino Resort Company. They will help me to manage the check it and check out and solve other problems but without room service, alway best cost performance for you. Before your check in, they will put the new bed sheets,bed covers and new towels into the room. In order to protect your health, please make the bed with them. Thanks for your cooperation. 我們是會員制的度假公寓位於星野渡假村內並由星野渡假村管理。他們會幫助我進行入住、退房等管理,可是我們不提供房間內服務,來維護我們能長期為租客朋友們提供一個最高的性價比住宿。在您入住前,他們會把新的床單、被套及毛巾放入房間。為了保護您的健康,請您自行用他們鋪床。謝謝您的合作。

Add: Village Alpha Tomamu Naka-Tomamu Shimukappu Yufutsu Hokkaido Japan 079-2204 Tel & WhatsApp:+819059875574 (Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Excludes holidays) Email:

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