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Village Alpha Apartment Tomamu Our room is located within the area of Hoshino Resort Tomamu you can enjoy activities such as pool public baths Golf Ski sea of clouds terrace (Please note that there will be charge for children age 4 or older even if they share bed. No charge applies for age 3 or below. Please select room based upon total number of guests including children age 4 or above.)

Our room not hotel..please set bet make.clean sheets available.

The rooms are washing machine and dryer We offer furniture consumer electronics is located in the common area fee

Guests will be able to use the facilities of the restaurant Tomamu resort (extra cost)

Using the rest staying in Tomamu Resort

Restaurant Swimming Pool public bath skiing Golf Activities sea of clouds terrace

From the new Chitose Airport to Tomamu Station it takes about 70 minutes Tomamu Station to Furano Station is once it takes you transfer two hours

The rooms there are stairs for maisonette young children, please be careful not to get hurt

Apartment shared space for washing machine

There is a ski gear drying room at the tower, and a wax room on the first floor.

Free shuttle buses run around every facility at intervals between 5 to 15 minutes.

Outdoor facilities such as pool and ice skating rink, etc. are within walking distance, but can also be accessed by bus.

Free WiFi is available in the public spaces. However, no internet access is available inside the room.

If you prefer to enjoy 24 hour internet access, we recommend that you purchase a pre-paid SIM card at the airport.


位於星野TOMAMU渡假村裡面的The Village Alpha Tomamu自助度假公寓,每間房間都是乾淨舒適設備充實(氧粒子空氣清新/加溼氣;冬季的對小朋友非常安全的暖風機,全身落地鏡子,著名設計師設計的舒適沙發床,等等)房型為非常奢侈的高5.4米的通透超大空間越層複式兩層或三層構造,每間房間大於50平米。房間內主題式的風格設計,還有小朋友們喜愛的玩具,屋內屋外都是快樂天地讓爸爸媽媽安心度假。房間內還有獨立的洗浴間(大型淋浴,大型浴缸),toilet seat with bidet functions溫水廁所,長期度假時更為方便的經濟實惠安全衛生的IH廚房(餐具和廚具也非常充實),房間設計簡約中充滿快樂幸福的理念,大廳寬敞明亮,每間房內皆有欣賞北海道娟媚大自然的外景窗,採光良好,房間的大型液晶電視讓你隨時了解渡假村內的餐廳,雲海,滑雪場,大型波浪游泳池,溫泉的最新信息。

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